
As a leading social media agency, we're fortunate enough to work with several high profile clients. Our international network enables us to operate in markets outside of the UK and our portfolio includes large global brands and businesses.

Telefónica Europe


We're working with Telefónica Europe to help them develop a consistent strategy for using social media across multiple markets in support of the O2 commercial brand.


We evaluated Telefónica Europe's use of social media across Europe and worked with their key stakeholders to develop a social media strategy that builds on existing best practice, as well as challenging the Company to use social media across new and different areas of the business.

We worked collaboratively with Telefónica Europe to develop an approach that was consistent enough to be rolled-out across five major European markets (UK, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia) while also allowing each individual country a degree of flexibility.

We analysed Telefónica Europe's current social media activity and success rates and held in-depth strategy sessions with senior level decision makers to ensure stakeholder buy-in and enable roll-out of the strategy from the top down in each market.

We created a framework to focus the use of social media across the business and we're also putting in place common guidelines, staff policies and a set of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that Telefónica Europe can measure social media activity against their key strategic goals.

Key Results

  • FreshNetworks is now Telefónica Europe’s retained social media agency for all group-sponsored social media projects and programmes.
  • We've developed a social media strategy that contributes to the brand’s existing business aims and provides a clear framework for all Telefónica Europe businesses to operate within.
  • We've created internal communities of practice to allow better sharing and collaboration between countries and teams working on social media.
  • We're implementing social media guidelines and will be training 29,000 members of Telefónica Europe’s staff.
Countries / Economic regions 
Czech Republic

Our European social media strategy development, led by FreshNetworks, has brought much-needed Social Media expert advice and experience. They have come up with a measurable, sustainable social media strategy. We’re looking forward to working with them on social media across Europe over the next few months.

Director of Customer Experience,
Telefónica S.A